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About Hemstock Guitars

Born out of a desire to produce a better instrument, Hemstock Guitars was founded in 2020 with the simple goal to improve on classic designs with modern ideas, engineering and processes.

Having learnt under the expert eye of Adrian Hardman of Vanquish Guitars Tom Hemstock has designed a range of guitars, each spec and part meticulously picked to provide the most enjoyable playing experience possible.


Spending a number of years as the head guitar tech at one Europes largest dedicated guitar retailers and having been on the road with some of the UK's biggest names Tom is in a unique situation to have studied a range of guitars not normally at the disposal of other builders and has taken this knowledge combined with what musicians on the road have asked for to build what we feel are the ultimate guitar tools.

Each guitar is built as an individual and treated as such, every guitar has to meet Toms incredibly high standards before being allowed into the world. We believe that a good guitar feels like your favorite pair of worn in jeans and will inspire you everytime you pick it up.

© Copyright Hemstock Guitars
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